USA prime advertising opportunity

Promote your institution to thousands of prospective American students interested in studying overseas via this online marketing opportunity brought to you by SIEM in partnership with US News. 

For SIEM clients, the British Council is offering prime banner advertising alongside the online release of the U.S. News annual rankings table of World’s Best Colleges & Universities in late-October.   The most popular producer of university rankings in the US, traffic to the US News website increases three-fold to over one million site visits during this period.

Institutions can advertise through the British Council to receive 65,000+ views (page impressions), leading to increased US brand recognition and American student interest. 

As an additional service, our British Council designer can prepare the banner advertisement for institutions that do not have in-house design capability.

This opportunity is only available for five institutions on a first come first served basis.

Approx. 82 per cent US
Approx. 18 per cent Global

Cost:  £1,250 per institution.
Additional £200 if institutions require advertisement design support

65,000+ individual views between October and December.
Direct link to your institution website
EducationUK logo

300x600 pixel banner in JPG/PNG format
Preferred web address
Complete the application form survey

Action Required

If your institution is interested in taking advantage of this opportunity, please complete the application here.

*By completing and returning this form you are agreeing to the terms & conditions of this opportunity.*

If the Client cancels the service less than 21 days prior to the delivery date, the Client shall be liable to pay the British Council the percentage of the charges for such cancelled services set out below:
Notice period  Percentage of charges payable
14 days or less  100 per cent
15-21 days  75 per cent

Should you have any questions, please contact Joey Kirk.