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*URGENT TENDER* - Paid opportunity to deliver capacity building and form partnerships in Peru

PMESUT have just announced an international call, looking for support to deliver benchmarking and implementation of recomendations to Peruvian public sector universities on their online delivery capacities and curricula. This is a great opportunity for the UK sector to engage with the Ministry of Education in Peru, and partner with Peruvian universities.

The British Council are looking to coordinate a response to this call with the UK HE sector. We've uploaded here the open call that went to Peruvian universities a couple of weeks ago, translated into English (Aide Memoir), in which you can find details of the consultation and support they are expecting to recieve, as well as the overall aims of the programme. The International tender we were alerted to today is also uploaded here in Spanish (TDR.pdf) . We will upload this document translated to English as soon as possible.

The call was announced 30 April and the deadline to submit proposals is 7 May. The initial phase of consultation with participating Peruvian universities will likely begin mid-May. The total programme is to be completed within 150 days.

If you are interested in participating in ANY CAPACITY please write to Jessica Swann (jessica.swann@britishcouncil.org) and William Machaca (william.machaca@britishcouncil.org) by close Tuesday 5th May, expressing your capacity to respond to this call, and suggesting a time to have a call that same day, Tuesday 5th May.

Action Required

If you are interested in participating in ANY CAPACITY please write to Jessica Swann (jessica.swann@britishcouncil.org) and William Machaca (william.machaca@britishcouncil.org) by close Tuesday 5th April, expressing your capacity to respond to this call, and suggesting a time to have a call that same day, Tuesday 5th April.

TDR.pdf291.13 KB
AIDE MEMOIRE Call April 2020.docx17.92 KB