UKCPIE Leadership Development Programme call for interests

The development of the skills and employability of its workforce, particularly of the younger generation, is crucial to a nation’s sustainable development, global competitiveness and long term prosperity. A skilled workforce not only contributes to economic growth but also promotes social mobility.

Both UK and Chinese governments are committed to increasing youth employment with skills and TVET development a key component of the national strategy of both countries. Since 2012, China and the UK have worked closely on skills development under the UK China Partners in Education (UKCPIE) Action Plans.

An expression of interest is now open for colleges in England and Wales to join a Vocational Education Leadership Development Programme in China which is scheduled for 7th to 18th, March 2016. The programme has evolved from the Principal Shadowing programme which supported 65 UK principals on visits to China during 2012-2014.

Leadership Development Programme 2016
This Leadership Development Programme will provide an opportunity for UK college senior leaders to undertake a ten-day programme in China where they will visit top Chinese vocational colleges, meet Chinese vocational education leaders, observe local practices and engage in dialogues with their counterparts on shared issues and challenges.

The programmes will take place in China from 7th to 18th March 2016. For the successful applicants, internationals flights, local transport, meals and accommodation will be covered by the programme. The programme is funded by the UK’s Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) and the Welsh Government.

The programme is open to vocational education leaders from colleges in England and Wales. In Wales, there is funding available for 4 participants. This funding could support either two participants from two colleges or four participants from four colleges.

The participants should:
• Hold a leadership role in a college, normally at senior leadership level (principal, vice-principal, assistant principal, senior curriculum leaders)
• Have experience in leading and managing vocational education institutions and/or faculties
• Have clear professional development objectives and are committed to meet them
• Be interested in developing international understanding and willing to contribute to international skills dialogues and debates

Priority will be given to colleges that:
• Have an international strategy or are in the process of developing one, are interested in developing long term partnerships with China including possibly hosting a return visit from the Chinese colleges
• Have not participated in previous principal shadowing programmes

Action Required

Expressions of Interest are now invited. Colleges who expressed interest will receive further details. For further information and to apply, please send the profile by 15 January 2016 to:

For England
Marguerite Hogg
International Projects Manager
Association of Colleges
Tel: 07825805842

For Wales
Siân Holleran
International Co-ordinator
College Wales
Tel: 029 2052 8376