UK Video Campaign 2013 - Higher Education Sector

Online video industry has demonstrated great marketing potentials in recent years in China. It’s estimated by McKinsey research that there will be more than 700 million people in China who will be watching online video content in the coming year of 2015. The average Chinese user spends four hours a week watching online video content, such as movies, TV, and live sports - double the time spent by US users.

The British Council China is delighted to invite you to join our promotional online event – UK Video Campaign 2013. This is the first pilot digital project with focus on video, which will help to highlight key aspects of UK various education sectors to key Chinese stakeholders, and will also promote the strength of UK education through interview.

UK Video campaign provides a digital platform to showcase UK educational excellence with a variety of videos. All the video materials will be promoted on two channels of Education UK official website and Youku, which is the most popular video web portal in China. Furthermore, all videos will also be translated with Chinese subtitles so as to eliminate language barriers for local young students and parents.

UK Video campaign – higher education sector will focus on international office interview with the topic of ‘The Best Choice of your studies in the UK’. All contents will be related to UK institutions’ unique selling points, student supports and services, entry requirements and interviews, successful alumni, campus facilities, etc.

Action Required

Please complete the application form and send it back to Ms May Huang by 13 September 2013 as confirmation. Please notice all forms should be sent back via emails and we do not accept fax or paper-based forms.

A confirmation letter by email will be sent to you upon receiving your completed application form by 20 September 2013.