UK transnational education in Greece: webinar

Next in our programme exploring opportunities for UK transnational education (TNE) in EU Europe, we turn to Greece, one of the EU's most established and largest markets for UK TNE.

Thursday 30 November
14.00 – 15.00 UK Time
Please note that registrations will close at midnight on Tuesday 28 November.

Register here


Why UK TNE in Greece?

TNE has a long and significant presence in Greece, primarily through collaborations between foreign universities and Greek private colleges, offering programmes based on franchise or validation agreements. The majority of colleges operating in Greece maintain such collaborations with UK universities.

The Strategic Partnership in Education, a bilateral programme created in 2021 with the British Council as a lead partner, aims to foster collaborations between Greek state and UK universities across different types of models including research partnerships. Not only was this a significant step for Greece-UK education relations, it was also the first national programme forged between an individual EU country and the UK to support TNE.

Since then, Greece's policy environment has continued to develop, offering exciting opportunities for partnership with the UK. 

What will this session cover?

We'll look at the overall policy environment in Greece, explore recent and upcoming developments in both state and private HE sector, and then refer into case studies of successful collaborations. There will be plenty of time for audience questions.

Speakers include:

  • Maria Tsakali, Lead for Higher Education (EU Europe), British Council
  • Anastasia Andritsou, Country Director Greece, British Council
  • Dr Theodore Papaioannou, Director of Academic Affairs, Study in Greece
  • Dr Angie Simeonidis, Head of Collaborative Provisions, Aegean College
  • George Daskalakis, Vice Principal Global Engagement, Metropolitan College.

For more information please contact Katerina Fegarou.

Action Required

Register for the session here.

Registrations will close at midnight on Tuesday 28 November.