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UK transnational education in Cyprus: webinar and research launch

Join the next session in our UK transnational education (TNE) in the EU series, as we launch our research into Cyprus and explore the internationalisation environment in the Cypriot higher education sector.

Tuesday 7 November (registrations close at midnight on Monday 6 November)
14.00-15.00 UK time
Register here

Why UK TNE in Cyprus? About the research

The TNE sector in Cyprus exploded in the mid-2010s, and the sector has continued to grow ever since, with the UK as one of the major players. Latest HESA statistics show that 10,555 students were studying for UK higher education programmes in Cyprus in the 2021-22 academic year. This makes it the third largest UK TNE market in the EU by student numbers alone, and the largest by far in terms of numbers versus total population.

With this research piece, the British Council aims to provide an analysis of the market characteristics of the educational sector in Cyprus, including key trends, opportunities, challenges, and the competitive landscape.

What will this session cover?

This session will launch our research into Cyprus transnational education in higher education. We will explore accreditation process and look into recent case studies of UK-CY TNE partnerships, with the institutions involved in these. We will also be joined by the researcher to go through the findings and context of internationalisation priorities of the Cypriot higher education sectors. There will be time for questions and discussion at the end of the session.

Speakers include:

  • Maria Tsakali, Sector Lead, Higher Education and Science, EU Region, British Council
  • Anastasia Andritsou, Director Cyprus, British Council
  • UCLAN Cyprus.

For more information, please contact Pantelitsa Michael.

Action Required

Register for the session here.

Please note that registrations will close at midnight on Monday 6 November.