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UK-Taiwan University-Industry Cooperation and Strategic Alliance Forum

The UK-Taiwan University-Industry Cooperation and Strategic Alliance Forum, organised by the British Council in Taiwan and the Taiwan Paradigm Technological University Delegation, and supported by the Department of Technological & Vocational Education, Ministry of Education in Taiwan, will take place on Wednesday 30 September 2015, at the Royal Society in London.

The Forum will provide a platform for UK and Taiwan participants to exchange knowledge and experience in the area of academic-industry cooperation, to generate ideas and to forge potential partnerships and opportunities for collaboration. The Forum also aims to identify opportunities for university-business alliances and to develop potential working models and schemes between the UK and Taiwan. Gordon Slaven, Head of HE and Education Services, British Council, will be facilitating the in-depth discussion between the Taiwanese delegates and their counterparts from the UK.

The British Council would like to invite representatives from your institution to participate in the Forum, which is designed for:

• Academics or University/Education managers, policy makers and administrators interested in building university-industry links with top Taiwanese technological universities
• Academics or University administrators operating in academic-industry innovation centres wishing to access manufacturers in Taiwan
• Practitioners involved in university-business collaborations looking to expand networks in greater China
• Administrators experienced in supporting academics working with commercial sectors and are willing to exchange views with Taiwanese counterparts

Confirmed participants from Taiwan include 13 presidents, 3 vice presidents, 15 senior staffs from 17 Taiwan’s top Technological Universities.

Action Required

Participation in this Forum is free of charge. To participate, please return the attached reply form by Wednesday 23 September 2015 to James Beadle at James.Beadle@britishcouncil.org
If you are not able to attend yourself please circulate this invitation to interested and appropriate colleagues. The invitation is not limited to one person per institution, and places will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.
Any questions about the forum please contact Diane Hsu at Diane.Hsu@britishcouncil.org.tw