According to the most recent HESA statistics (2015-16), STEM subjects such as Engineering and Technology, Computer Science, Medicine, Architecture, Biological sciences are among top ten subject areas that attract most Vietnamese students to UK universities. The number of student enrolment in these courses has all increased for the past five years.

At the same time, STEM education is also a priority in the Vietnamese Government’s Education Development Plan. STEM education has been taught at a number of schools in key cities and has become much more popular to Vietnamese students.

In this context, and following the success of the STEM Event in 2016, the British Council Vietnam will organise the UK STEM Mission in 2017 with following activities:

  • Academic lectures tour to local universities and schools
  • UK STEM Mini-fair at a public venue
  • Networking event with local academic contacts and introduction to Vietnam Newton Fund (Facilitation support for partnership & research collaboration meetings)
    Dates:    15 – 23 November 2017
    Cities:    Danang, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Can Tho
    • Agriculture & Aquaculture (*)
    • Biotechnology, 
    • Civil Engineering & Architecture
    • Chemical Engineering 
    • Computer Science & IT 
    • Environment and energy
    • Electronic & Electrical Engineering
    • Health and Life Science, Medicine
    • Materials Science 
    • Mechanical and Automotive Engineering 
    (*) Only available in Can Tho      



    Participation fee (VAT excluded)

    1. UK STEM Mini Fair in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City
    • Support UK institutions in both profile raising and student recruitment for STEM courses.
    • Counselling areas will be arranged with table-and-chair format at Pullman Hanoi Hotel and Pullman Saigon Centre Hotel 


    • GBP880 per city
    1. Academic lectures tour in 4 cities: Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh city, Danang, Can Tho
    • Lectures at schools and universities with participation of prospective high-school, undergraduate and postgraduate students, academic and researchers. This activity is a very good opportunity for profile raising for UK universities.
    • UK institutions are advised to bring academic staffs to deliver lectures at local schools (elite public, K-12 bilingual, international schools) and universities specialised in science and engineering
    • GBP300 per lecture for Danang and Can Tho
    • GBP350 per lecture for Hanoi and HCMC
    1. Networking Event


    • Catering and building relationships with local STEM academic contacts; having introduction to Newton Fund Programme


    • Included in the UK STEM Mini Fair/ Lecture participation fee
    Cancellation fees will be charged for withdrawal from this event. As of the date of receipt of notice of withdrawal via email to the contact point below:
    • At 50 per cent of the full exhibition cost for withdrawals received on or after 15 September 2017
    • At 100 per cent of the full exhibition cost for withdrawals received on or after 29 September 2017

Action Required

  • To have more information about the STEM Mission, please refer to the Event details
  • To register for Academic Lecture Tour: please complete the application form and return it to the British Council Vietnam contact point by Friday 1 September 2017.