UK Boarding School Tour for Chinese affluent families

China is a strong and growing market for school sector.

In 2011/2012, a total of 3,708 students from mainland China studied at independent boarding schools in the UK, while 1,696 of them were newly enrolled pupils, a 7 per cent increase compared to 2007.

British Council aims to increase enrolment into UK Boarding schools by 35 per cent in 2015 compared to 2012. As a part of Destination: UK Boarding School campaign, the British Council China will launch the first ever UK Boarding School Tour exclusively for Chinese affluent families to promote the strength of UK education as well as to increase student recruitment for UK boarding school sector.

Dates:  the week of 22 July or the week of 12 August 2013
Target audience: Around 30 affluent parents and their children aging from 10 to 15 from China will join in the group.

What are the benefits for UK institutions?

Registered UK schools and colleges will be entitled to:

  • Reaching highly targeted students and parents
  • Increasing student recruitment
  • Raising your school’s brand awareness among high net worth individuals 
  • Raising brand equity and reputation through association with the trusted brands of British Council and Education UK

How to participate?
For the full information of the event and to register please refer to the attachment.

Action Required

  • Please complete the application form and then send them back to Ms Jamie Jin by 10 May 2013 as confirmation. Please notice all forms should be sent back via emails and we don’t accept fax or paper-based forms.
  • A confirmation letter by email will be sent to you upon receiving your completed application form by 31 May 2013.