Travel Grants - Newton Fund Researcher Links

Researcher Links Travel Grants provide financial support for early-career researchers to undertake an international research placement to strengthen links for future collaboration, build research capacity in developing economies, and enhance the researcher's career opportunities.
Researchers that reside in the UK can apply for funding to spend 1-6 months in a university or research institution in one of the partner countries, and those residing in one of the partner countries can apply for funding to come to the UK.
These grants are funded under the Newton Fund, a UK Government initiative funded by the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, together with partner funders from around the world. The Fund aims to promote the economic development and welfare of either the partner countries or, through working with the partner country, to address the problems of low-income and vulnerable populations.
Partner countries: Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, South Africa and Vietnam.
Deadline: 19 September 2016, 16:00 UK time