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Tender for sample audit of China Connecting Classrooms Programme

The British Council is pleased to invite research centres of UK institutions, education institutes, and individual academics to tender for two sample audits of Connecting Classrooms Programme in mainland China.

Connecting Classrooms 2012-15 is the new British Council international schools programme in partnership with the Department for International Development (DFID). It seeks to achieve two goals in its work with schools: to increase the global outlook of young people, and to increase attainment levels in schools. It does this through a programme of activities, aimed at policymakers, head teachers, teachers, and through them, schools and students.

Progress towards and achievement of the programme targets set out in the log frame at output, outcome and impact levels are the basis on which the programme will be evaluated over its lifetime.

The appointed supplier will be required to undertake the first evaluation and audit during the period March to June 2014. The second evaluation and audit is scheduled to be required during the period March and June 2015.

We hope this opportunity is of interest to you and we look forward to receiving you tender.


Please note:

  • Supplier is expected to have understanding of China market and schools sector.
  • Suppliers with China network/presence will be preferred.

Action Required

Please submit the completed Invitation to Tender Response Sheet (Annex 2) by 14 March 2014.

For any enquiries please contact Schools Project Manager Patty Yu patty.yu@britishcouncil.org.cn.