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Tender Invitations: UK - China Government Prosperity Fund (Skills)

Opportunity Overview

In November 2015, the UK Government announced a £1.3 billion Prosperity Fund over the next five years to promote the economic reform and development needed for growth in partner countries. As well as contributing to a reduction in poverty in recipient countries, the reforms are expected to create commercial opportunities for international businesses and institutions, including those from the UK. 

The Prosperity Fund China Skills Programme is centred on supporting skills reform to further sustainable development of China and the objectives of the most recent Five Year Plan. Alignment with UK expertise and strengths is expected to provide new market opportunities for UK education businesses and institutions to increase education exports to China.

These invitations to tender seek to find suitable suppliers for the provision of two (2) scoping studies that will deliver clear, robust and evidenced recommendations on a chosen area of skills in China. These studies will identify potential commercial opportunities and benefits for UK engagement. They will inform the design and development of activity in a prospective, multi-million pound Prosperity Fund China Skills Programme over the subsequent years of the Fund (2019-22). 

The intention is for the scoping studies to commence no later than mid-October 2018.

Priority areas

There are two (2) scoping studies covering different areas of education to bid for. Suppliers can bid for either or both of these studies. The budget for each scoping study varies between £55,000 - £80,000.

a. Area 1 - Early years Education
b. Area 2 Ningbo Advanced Manufacturing Skills Training

The invitation to tenders are being jointly managed by the British Council and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) in Beijing. Successful suppliers will enter into agreements with the UK Government, through the FCO in Beijing. Any funding for this programme will constitute Official Development Assistance.

Who can apply?

The Prosperity Fund accepts applications from civil society, governments, think-tanks, commercial organisations, as well as any other bodies with relevant experience in international education including, but not limited to:

  • research organisations;
  • universities/colleges/schools;
  • education sector bodies;
  • education authorities;
  • awarding bodies;
  • private organisations 

Action Required

Bids should be submitted via the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) BravoSolution e-Procurement portal.
Please register with the portal by using the following URL: https://fco.bravosolution.co.uk/ in a new tab or window, then navigate to Project_1867 / ITT_2539 (Early Years) and/or Project_1871 / ITT_2542 (Ningbo Advanced Manufacturing Skills Training)

Registering is quick, easy and is the only way in which you will be able to review the full suite of tender documents. Your tender must be submitted electronically through the BRAVOSolution eProcurement Portal by 15:00 Beijing time on 18 September 2018 (Early Years) and 15:00 Beijing time, 21 September 2018 (Ningbo Advanced Manufacturing Skills Training).

Any initial issues with registering on the Bravo Portal can be directed to APAC.Procurement@fco.gov.uk.

Tenders not submitted via the BRAVO portal will not be considered.