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Targeted appointments with potential doctoral candidates in South Korea

The event will consist of four days (two days in Seoul and two in Busan) with student information sessions in the morning and scheduled appointments between potential doctoral candidates and representatives from European higher education institutions and research institutes in the afternoon. A briefing session and networking reception will be held for institutional participants on 27 September 2013.


  • 27, 28 and 29 September 2013, Seoul
  • 1 and 2 October 2013, Busan


In each city the two-day programme will be similar:

  • Morning: Information sessions by invited speakers from Europe and South Korea
  • Afternoon: Targeted appointments between representatives from EU HEIs, research units and doctoral departments and South Korean students (all fields)


Targeted appointments:

In order to facilitate the appointments, European participants will have full access to the information provided by the potential doctoral candidates and will be able to proactively invite those that have registered to an appointment.

The potential doctoral candidates will also be entitled to invite the registered European HEIs and research institutes for a meeting via the online appointment tool that will be accessible before the event.

The event is not comparable to an education fair, where a larger and more diverse public is attracted. This event aims specifically at candidates for doctoral studies. European HEIs will each be given their own table setting in order to speak personally with the potential doctoral candidates.

Participation fee: 500 Euro

This includes:

  • access to the online appointment tool
  • online presentation of your institution
  • access to the files of students applying to participate in the event
  • one appointment table during two afternoon sessions in Seoul and Busan
  • facilitated contact with stakeholders from South Korean HEIs and research institutes

Action Required

Deadline for applications:
European HEIs are invited to apply for participation before 14 June 2013.

From each European Union Member State only a limited number of institutions will be able to participate. Places will be allocated to institutions from the same Member State on a first-come, first-served basis, based upon the receipt of the complete application by the organisers.

Further information, the draft programme, application forms and the eligibility criteria can be consulted at www.promodoc.eu/institutions-events

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to e-mail korea@promodoc.eu.