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Taizhou University seeks a long-term UK University partner for training courses and winter/summer camps

The new leadership of Taizhou University in Jiangsu wishes to increase their number of international academic partnerships and faculty and student exchanges. They have allocated funding to support departments and colleges to seek international partners.

As a result, Taizhou University is looking for a UK university partner to work together in the following areas:

1. Overseas training courses for Taizhou University teachers

Taizhou University is seeking a partner university in the UK to send groups of teachers to visit on a yearly basis, for short, medium or long-term training courses (depending on the partner institution’s preference). The aims of the courses are for the teachers to learn about curriculum design in English teaching and to gain an understanding of English teaching methodology. For the 2016-2017 academic year, Taizhou hopes to send five teachers to the UK.In addition, they would like one teacher each year to study for a Master’s degree in English teaching or a related subject.. In the long-term Taizhou hope the partnership can develop into yearly staff training courses andeventually lead to the establishment of an overseas training base in the UK for Taizhou teachers. Taizhou University will cover all related costs for the six teachers.

2. Winter/summer camps and exchanges for students

If a successful partnership is developed concerning overseas training courses for Taizhou staff, Taizhou are also interested in encouraging student exchanges between Taizhou University and the UK partner. Taizhou University would like to explore the opportunity of the UK institution running three to six week winter/summer courses at the partnering UK institution, with the courses focusing on themes related to the English language and culture. For the 2016-2017 academic year, Taizhou would like to send ten students to the UK university, increasing to twenty the following year.
Taizhou University will also encourage its students to pursue further long-term studies overseas at the partnering UK university, with potential for the development of an articulation agreement.

The UK partner university is welcome to develop overseas schemes for their own students to visit Taizhou University, who can offer scholarships to support the applications of students who are interested in studying Chinese culture and language.


The partnering UK university will:
- have the opportunity to build a partnership with a newly developing Chinese university with strong support from the Chinese Ministry of Education
- develop a partnership with a wide range of opportunities for future expansion
- build their brand amongst Chinese institutions, which may support future business development and student recruitment in China

Brief introduction of Taizhou University

Located in the city of Taizhou in Jiangsu Province, midway down the East coast of China, Taizhou University was established in 2013 having grown out of the Taizhou Teaching College which was originally established in 1952.

Taizhou University offers a wide range of degree programmes with particular strengths in English Teaching, Business English and Pre-school Education. Taizhou currently has more than 6000 full-time students (both undergraduates and foundation course students) in the school.


10 June 2016: Proposal submission deadline
20 June 2016: Selected UK partner confirmed
30 June 2016: Completion of negotiations and signing of a cooperation agreement between the UK institution and Tai Zhou University
Oct. 2016: Start date of first batch of teacher training

Action Required

UK universities interested in this opportunity should contact siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn by 10 June 2016, 12 noon GMT.

Please provide a one-page introduction of your organisation, including relevant experience in hosting training courses and winter/summer schools, and relevant degree programme strengths. Please provide a quotation for the teacher training courses and winter/summer camps, covering all costs including tuition, activities, accommodation, meals and transport.

The British Council will charge a £1,000 management fee as a service commission, which is payable by the proposal winner. This management fee includes liaison between both universities during the establishment of the partnership, pre-departure briefing, participant support and evaluation support after the successful completion of the first year.