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Support Your Chinese Alumni to Win 2016 Education UK Alumni Awards

The Education UK Alumni Awards celebrate the achievements of international alumni who have studied at UK universities within the last ten years. The awards honour the outstanding achievements made by business professionals, entrepreneurs and community leaders who can demonstrate how their UK education has impacted on their subsequent success. 


There are three award categories:

  • Professional Achievement Award – recognising UK alumni who have distinguished themselves through exemplary leadership and achievements in their professional industry
  • Entrepreneurial Award – recognising UK alumni who are active in initiating or contributing to innovative new business opportunities that have the potential for strong growth
  • Social Impact Award – recognising UK alumni who have made an exceptional contribution and commitment to creating positive social change and improving the lives of others



The Education UK Alumni Awards are open to individuals who are:

  • residing in China, or one of the other ten participating countries (see website below for further details).
  • alumni of a recognised UK higher education institution who have studied at this institution for a minimum of one term/semester within the past ten years (i.e. in/from 2005 onwards).



Winning an Education Alumni Award can help your alumni:

  • Shine a spotlight on their achievements
  • Bring them international recognition
  • Help them raise their profile
  • Introduce them to new professional connections
  • Open up an international network of UK university alumni
  • Give them a platform to share their UK education experiences and subsequent achievements
  • Give them a sense of personal fulfilment.

Action Required

The 2016 Education UK Alumni Awards are open for nominations, so get your application in, and nominate others! Visit http://www.britishcouncil.org/education-uk-awards to find out more.