Support to develop TNE assessment framework

The British Council is seeking a supplier to develop a global framework for assessing and describing national environments for transnational education (TNE).

This framework will help to situate UK TNE within the global landscape and to identify likely future trends.

Key dates

 - RFP Issued to bidding suppliers: 28 June 2023

 - Deadline for clarification questions (clarification deadline): 7 July 2023

 - British Council to respond to clarification questions: 11 July 2023

 - Deadline for submission of proposals by potential suppliers (response deadline): 14 July 2023

 - Final decision: w/c 17 July 2023

 - Contract start date: 24 July 2023

 - Delivery of final deliverables: 1 December 2023

How to apply

Full details, including instructions of how to submit a proposal, are available and will be managed through the British Council’s online procurement portal (registration required):