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Summer School of Neurogeriatrics and Dementia at Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia (8 July – 3 August 2019)

At the British Council in Indonesia we are keen to promote outward mobility from the UK.

Atma Jaya School of Medicine and Health Sciences in Jakarta is going to host its first Summer School of Neurogeriatrics and Dementia this July. In facing the global ageing population, this programme is designed to bring the participants to delve deeper in the integrative multidiscipline management of geriatrics problems, especially dementia, through a person-centred care approach.
After completion, participants are expected to be able to apply logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in implementing knowledge and technology in caring for the people with dementia. Besides learning about assessments in dementia, participants will also look at the issue of dementia from policy, ethics, legal, economics, cultural aspects; and learn about research projects on cognitive function and quality of life of older people in Indonesia.
• To develop applied practical skills in the diagnosis and management of dementia including current medication and non-pharmacological options on the basis of good-quality scientific evidence
• To consider non-medical aspects of dementia in developing a person-centred long-term care plan, prioritizing the best practice principles for people who live with dementia.
The objectives of this course are:
• To build empathy and communication skills as a prerequisite towards delivering a person-centred care to people with dementia
• To recognise of key dementia sign and symptoms and gain confidence in assessing cognitive function in older patients in a systematic way
• To understand key principles of dementia management with emphasise on nonpharmacological treatment
• To understand important legal, ethical and social issues of dementia within the Indonesian cultural contexts and how to best address this through advocacy and policy-making
This multi-disciplinary short course is tailored for people interested in the ageing and dementia issue (both from medical and non-medical background) and does not require a medical background. It might be of interest for medical & psychology students, psychologists, clinicians, researchers, social workers, policy-makers/influencers, carers of people with dementia, and people from other professional/academic backgrounds relevant to the ageing issue.
The Summer School of Neurogeriatrics & Dementia will run for four weeks and will consist of a series of lectures, problem-based learning tutorials, skills labs, and optional field trips. For international participants, there is an opportunity for up to 6 weeks optional extension to join ongoing research in elderly in Indonesia. An Indonesian “study buddy” will be assigned to each participant from abroad.
Issues for consideration will include:
• Neuropsychological assessment in older people
• Dementia diagnosis across cultures and languages
• Behaviour & psychological symptoms of dementia: Overcoming challenges
• Engaging people with dementia through effective communication
• Cognitive stimulation therapy
• Ethical, legal, and financial issues in Dementia

Action Required

The deadline of application will be 10 June 2019.
For further information and apply, please send an email to tara.sani@atmajaya.ac.id and cc to siti.fatimah@britishcouncil.org, with subject Summer School of Neurogeriatrics and Dementia at Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia