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Study UK Student Ambassadors in Hong Kong – call for applications

British Council Hong Kong is looking for student ambassadors to work with the Hong Kong office in July and August 2017. The position is aimed at Hong Kong students who are currently studying in the UK.

The ambassadors will work with the Programmes team for the duration of the contract period to promote the work, life and opportunities that come from studying in the UK. They will provide a wider perspective of studying by sharing knowledge and experience with Hong Kong students, encouraging greater participation and awareness of UK education. Their participation includes, but is not limited to, assisting in Study UK exhibitions, pre-departure briefings, and in the preparation of media articles and interviews.

The programme is contract-based with a fixed stipend and working period, and would be highly beneficial for students’ professional and personal development.

Details of the programme can be found here: https://goo.gl/x8wSrn

Action Required

We would be grateful if you could forward this message to relevant students who may be interested in applying. Details of the programme can be found here: https://goo.gl/x8wSrn
The application deadline is Friday 26 May 2017, 23:59 UK time.

Please contact Stella Wong at stella.wong@britishcouncil.org.hk if you have any questions.