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Study UK Schools and Colleges Agent Networking – China October 2017

The British Council will organise an agent networking event in Guangzhou on October 18, specifically for the schools sector. This is intended to tie in with the Study UK Schools & Colleges exhibition in Hong Kong which will be held the preceeding weekend.

Digital and social media promotion is also available in order to promote your school to parents and students.

Market Context

The number of Chinese students being educated at British independent schools is growing rapidly. According to the UK Independent Schools Council 2017 census there were 6,599 students from mainland China studying at UK independent schools, a 6.5% increase from 2016. Chinese mainland students currently make up over 20% of the total number of international students studying at British independent schools. This figured is expected to continue rising as parents not only seek to prepare their children for entry into a UK college or university, but are also recognising the positive benefits a UK independent school education can have on their children from an early age.


Event Details

Date: Wednesday 18 October 2017

Time: 13:00 – 18:00

Location: JIANGUO Hotel Guangzhou

Audience size: 30-40


  • GBP300 for agent networking event
  • GBP1,000 for digital and social media promotion during recruitment seasons (Oct. and Nov.)

(Total GBP1,300 + VAT for both the agent event and digital/social media promotion)

The event is intended to tie in with the events in other countries in the region including the Hong Kong exhibition.

For more events in East Asia, please check Marketing campaign for UK boarding schools in East Asia.


Participation Fee includes:

  • Venue hire - JIANGUO Hotel Guangzhou
  • 10 face-to-face appointment sessions with study abroad agents from south China
  • Meeting table/chair – schools can bring along table banners and promotional materials to decorate their tables
  • Wi-Fi
  • Digital and social media promotion (optional) – through Study UK Wechat and British Council agent WeChat platforms, audience reach: 100,000+

    (The British Council will provide support on content creation and advice on messaging that speaks to the target audience in China)


Listed costs do not include international or domestic travel, accommodation, subsistence or freight unless specified.


Visa Requirements

A visa will be necessary for UK passport holders to participate in this agent networking event. The British Council can provide invitation letters to participants who require a visa, but it is the responsibility of the applicant institution to follow the correct procedures.

Further information regarding visas for China can be found on the website of the Chinese Embassy in the UK (http://www.chinese-embassy.org.uk/eng/visa/ ).

Action Required

Interested institutions please contact Ms. Su Si su.si@britishcouncil.org.cn by Sunday 17 September 2017 for registration.

Places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.