Study UK Postgraduate Campaign Korea 2018

British Council in Korea is delighted to invite you to this year’s Study UK Postgraduate Campaign, which will culminate on the 6th October 2018 in Seoul.

This is an integrated campaign consisting of digital marketing, printed material for government (scholarship) stakeholders, and a face to face event, specifically designed to showcase the UK’s various postgraduate level offers and to support institutions with direct recruitment. We are aiming to reach 25,000 viewers online to raise awareness of participating institutions, and then engage more than 100 potential students at the face to face event. Please send your application by 15th August, 2018 if you wish to participate.

Market context

  1. Prospective students’ perception about studying in the UK is positive: high-level of research and cost-effectiveness due to shorter study period compared to competitors, and the breadth of postgraduate courses available in the UK.
  2. Positive media coverage and growing attention towards the UK, including a recent entertainment TV series on a popular channel including student lives in cities such as Oxford, Birmingham and Liverpool. Messages from the TV show included that “the UK’s location is excellent to travel to wider Europe”, “students studying in the UK seem to receive high quality education" and that the "UK’s books/cultures/sport is considered the best”
  3. Youth unemployment rate is high in Korea (around 23%), and young professionals view a Postgraduate-level qualification as essential to be competitive in the labour market

Campaign format

  1. Digital channels of choice in Korea are YouTube and Kakao Talk, unlike many other Asian countries where LINE and Facebook are popular. The digital campaign that will run for two weeks leading up to the face to face event will feature each institution and will target the right channels to reach Korean students.
  2. The Korean government’s HR department funds 250-300 civil servants every year for their PG qualification overseas, however only 40-50 of them choose the UK, mainly due to a lack of information. The Korean government prefers localised (translated) printed information, therefore we will produce a web-brochure and partly print them for external stakeholders like the government. The web version will be used to distribute through the Embassy’s alumni list, and universities in each city.
  3. In order to attract students, and following the success of our “Young Career Mentoring” event last year, we will invite star UK alumni who are working for Samsung, Hyundai, CJ, Burberry, Harrods, and other notable employers to provide mentoring sessions. We will also invite your academics to deliver taster lectures on specific subjects, and share high quality research done by UK universities. Industry speakers (likely to be HR officers of a corporation) will provide an opening to persuade students to apply for UK universities for Postgraduate study.

Benefits to UK institutions

The campaign is intended to strengthen the UK’s position in the Postgraduate sector and student recruitment for participating institutions by promoting the following key messages:

  1. Don’t just get a degree, but obtain practical working experience through internships and placement opportunities
  2. Getting a Master’s degree is more affordable than studying in the U.S or Australia
  3. Benefit from the high quality of research in UK higher education

Target Audience

  • Young professionals
  • Civil servants who have 100% grant from government, and their spouses
  • University seniors
  • Employees of major corporations and their HR officers
  • Agents

Target Reach

  • Offline event: 100+
  • Digital reach: 25,000

Market Trend Statistics

  • 2017 Tier 4 visa issuance (3,981, 2.8% growth)
  • UK’s market share ( 6%, 1% growth)
  • HESA data for PG recruitment (2,195 in 2016/17 and very stable)






















Campaign Details

Delivery Type

What’s included


  • Mini-web brochure: simplified introduction (courses provided, tuition, and alumni testimonial) of each participating institution and their location marked on the UK’s map. We will later print it to use as an event flyer
  • Targeted promotion via existing BC channels:
  • 1 post per each institution on Study UK Facebook and Instagram
  • 1 post per each institution on British Council NAVER blog
  • Kakao Talk push message to BC database (1 push message on behalf of all participating institutions)
  • Direct email shot to Study UK database
  • SMS shot to Study UK database


  • Study in Europe Fair organised by EU Delegations:
  • Each participating institution can send their prospectus/leaflet to be distributed in Study in Europe Fair scheduled on 15-16 September to raise awareness of the institution prior to the offline event.


  • Other distribution channels for the event and web-brochure:
  • Korean government Human Resource and Talent Development Sector (official letter will be sent from British Council)
  • British Embassy Alumni newsletter
  • British Embassy Facebook
  • Mini-web brochure sent to local universities and corporations’ email groups, British Council teaching centre database


Face to face event

  • Masterclasses: Each participating institution is advised to bring an academic who can give a taster lecture or interactive workshop to the audience. Institutions can choose a subject for the lecture as well as introducing relevant research done in that subject field.
  • Career Mentoring by Star Alumni to give practical advice to prospective students on how to choose a university and how to prepare themselves to be attractive candidates in a job market.
  • Opening speech by an Industry Speaker encouraging prospective students to choose UK as a study destination. The industry speaker could be either from a UK company based in Korea, or from a local company with global branches.
  • Consultation: There will be a separate tables with institution banners for 1:1 consultation (institutions should bring their own marketing materials including a banner)
  • How to write a great CV/Personal Statement section by British Council teacher will be available to provide prospective students


Participation fees

Digital only: £900

Digital and offline (with academic’s taster lecture slot): £1,500

Digital and offline (without academic’s taster lecture slot): £1,300

All fees are exclusive of applicable VAT

How to apply

To reserve a slot, please complete the booking form below and return it to the address below. Applications will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis.

Youngah Kim (Education Services Manager) British Council in Korea