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Study Overseas Information Evenings - Student Recruitment at Top Private Schools

Please find the below message from the organisers of Study Overseas Information Evenings in Australia. If you wish to attend this programme please contact the individual coordinators for each city directly, as listed below:

Australian students are becoming more and more internationally mobile. Yet our geographical isolation makes it difficult for interested students to make connections with universities outside Australia. To solve this problem a number of Australian high schools have collaborated to deliver international study events in multiple locations, all around the end of August 2019.

We invite Universities from all over the world to send representatives to all locations each year: enabling them to reach large target populations in several major cities in one short trip; and representing real value for their travel budget. We are offering your university an opportunity to be a part of these events in 2019.

These events have been extremely successful – each attracting several hundred attendees from large numbers of high schools. Our exhibitors tell us that the students and parents who attend these events are highly motivated, high quality candidates, who are genuinely interested in learning more about the range of options available for study outside Australia.

There is no fee for exhibiting at these events – you are welcomed as our guest. At previous events, the delegated representatives have included members of student recruitment teams and admissions teams, members of faculty, exchange students or Alumni who are now resident in Australia.

In 2019 we are offering four events: one each in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra. Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne dates are now confirmed as follows:


-          Monday 26 August, Wesley College, Melbourne

-          Tuesday 27 August, Canberra Girls Grammar School, Canberra

-          Wednesday 28 August, Ascham School, Sydney

-          Thursday 29 August, Brisbane Girls Grammar School, Brisbane


-          Wesley College, Melbourne: Elise Hodge, elise.hodge@wesleycollege.net

-          Canberra Girls Grammar School, Canberra: Jessica Dietrich, Jessica.dietrich@cggs.act.edu.au

-          Ascham School, Sydney: Gillian Sloan, Gillian.sloan@ascham.nsw.edu.au

-          Brisbane Girls Grammar School, Brisbane: Jan Cowen, jcowen@bggs.qld.edu.au

Expressions of interest, even if tentative, should be received by Friday 24 May to ensure schools can commence communications with students surrounding this event.