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Students for Social Impact - social enterprise work-study programme in the UK and Canada - open for applications

Undergraduate students are invited to apply to put their passion for social enterprise to work overseas. Students for Social Impact placements provide the opportunity for talented students to contribute to life-changing social enterprises in Canada or the UK, gain valuable overseas experience, and connect with other young leaders of the future. The deadline for student applications phase one is Sunday 15 February.

Successful students will gain real-world experience in a social enterprise overseas in Canada or the UK. Each student will be allocated a mentor from within the host social enterprise who will support the student to learn about the sector and undertake a research project.

The placements will take place for around 10 weeks in summer 2015, from around 22 June – 26 August 2015.

A small stipend will be provided to successful students cover accommodation and subsistence costs while on the placement. The students will be expected to cover the costs of their flights between the UK and Canada. Participating students will be supported to undertake a crowdsourcing activity to raise funds for the flights. Universities may wish to contribute to the cost of their students’ flights.

The Students for Social Impact placements are for students who:
• are British or Canadian permanent residents or citizens (for Northern Ireland domiciled only, holding a British or Irish passport)
• are currently enrolled for undergraduate study at a UK or Canadian university
• have completed at least one year of their undergraduate degree by June 2015, and are returning to the undergraduate degree in September 2015
• are 18 years of age or older by 15 June 2015
• are able to live abroad (in the UK or Canada) for the duration of the programme
• have sufficient English fluency.

Action Required

Please promote this opportunity to undergraduate students. The deadline for student applications phase one is Sunday 15 February.

More details, and the application form, may be found on our website: http://www.britishcouncil.ca/students-social-impact