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Sponsorship Opportunity - Creative Industries: Virtual reality exhibit in Montreal, QC

British Council Canada is pleased to announce its second Creative Industries Initiative for UK Arts Schools.

August to  November 2017 - Virtual reality exhibit in Montreal, QC.

Virtual reality exhibit in Montreal, QC
Showcasing UK creativity in Virtual reality for Montreal's 375th anniversary. The project will present a virtual reality exhibit as part of the KM3 public art festival in Montreal, which is new to mark the city’s 375th anniversary. The exhibit will be a giant wave, that will change form as the audience interacts with it. The work will be a collaboration between UK virtual reality company, Marshmallow Laser Feast, and a Quebec partner

Deadline for UK universities to register to this sponsorship opportunity: July 8th, 2017 


Virtual reality exhibit in Montreal, QC

Showcasing UK creativity in Virtual reality for Montreal's 375th anniversary. The project will present a virtual reality exhibit as part of the KM3 public art festival in Montreal, which is new to mark the city’s 375th anniversary. The exhibit will be a giant wave, that will change form as the audience interacts with it. The work will be a collaboration between UK virtual reality company, Marshmallow Laser Feast, and a Quebec partner. To learn more about the KM3 public arts festival: www.dexigner.com/news/29297



  • Profile and promote the UK’s Creative Industries
  • Demonstrate and strengthen the close bilateral relationship between Canada and the UK upon the occasion of Montreal’s 375th and Canada’s 150th anniversaries in 2017


Benefits to UK universities:

  • A Colossal Wave offers a great opportunity for UK arts schools and universities to align their brand to an innovative installation in a major public space in Montreal 
    This is a unique opportunity for UK arts schools as no local schools have been invited to sponsor this event.
  • Raise awareness about study prospects in Digital Arts in the UK and to inform students, especially undergraduates , about UK trends and strengths in that sector.
    Insight: The creative industries for digital arts are growing more rapidly in Canada than the talent pool that these companies recruit from.  So Canada, and Montreal in particular, has a shortage of appropriately skilled new recruits.  As it should be cheaper to recruit local talent than import it from abroad, there is a need for training in the sector which offers an opportunity for UK universities.
  • Branding opportunities for the UK universities through the exposure of their logo, name and website exposure
  • Increase the number of clicks through rate/visits to UK universities’ websites


Market you could expect to reach: 

  • Professionals or undergraduate students from Montreal Universities and other QC surroundings looking to study a Post graduate degree in Digital Arts (350,000+)
  • Academic from the Digital Arts sector in Montreal 
  •  Digital arts sector professionals (Department, Phi Centre, Mutek) and art funding bodies (Société de développement des entreprises culturelles, Société des arts technologiques, National Film Board)
  • Federal government, Quebec government, City of Montreal officials 
  • Québec Investors (La Caisse, CGI)
  • Media
  • General public


Sponsorship opportunity includes:
Logo and university’s name in  the following:

  • Onsite logo  from August to November 
  • British Council  Canada press release  launch in August 2017-  potential reach 10K+people in Quebec
  • British Council Canada  social media network – 3 months of a digital media campaign (Facebook, twitter and Instagram) – potential reach 50K+
  • New website developed by Marshmallows in the UK – which will reach a global market

Total investment for UK university GBP 800 + VAT 

(The market value of the sponsorship opportunity at the moment is CAD$75,000 = GBP £46,000 . This value  is expected to increase, as new local and international partners have expressed their interest on this exhibit. However the total investment of UK university will remain the same GBP 800+VAT)

Action Required

Please make sure to express your interest on this opportunity before July 8th, 2017 .