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  • Speaking opportunity at a Study UK online workshop for high school counsellors in China – how to study in the UK with AP and SAT qualifications

Speaking opportunity at a Study UK online workshop for high school counsellors in China – how to study in the UK with AP and SAT qualifications


In China, high school counsellors play an important role in guiding students through their overseas education decision-making process, including long-term and short-term courses. These counsellors are the front-line representatives for UK education, supporting the recruitment of quality Chinese students, and they are closely in touch with market sentiments.

Over 300 high schools in China currently teach AP courses and the majority of their students plan to study abroad. In recent years, increasing numbers of students from China’s AP schools are applying to UK higher education institutions with their AP and SAT credentials. British Council China and College Board have organised this workshop to provide professional development opportunities for high school counsellors in China. The training sessions offer accurate and up to date information and resources to support in-country counsellors in developing their knowledge of UK higher education and building their capacity to support their students who are interested in studying in the UK.

British Council Study UK agents and counsellors’ workshop

The British Council would like to invite 4 admission officers from 4 UK higher education institutions to participate in panel discussions at the counsellors’ workshop online.

The workshop will take place at the following time online:

  • Wednesday 18 August 2021, 09:00 -12:30 Beijing time (02:00-05:30 UK time)

The workshop is designed to provide professional development to Chinese high school counsellors in Chinese for better understanding and engaged in productive conversations.

The British Council in China and College Board anticipates approximately 200 counsellors will participate in the event, most of whom are expected to come from high schools offering AP courses.  





09:00 - 09:20

Key facts you need to know to advise Chinese students studying in the UK

Study UK, British Council

09:20 - 09:40

Introduction to AP and SAT qualifications

College Board

09:40 -10:40

Applying to UK Universities with AP and SAT: Step-by-Step Guidance by experienced counsellors in China

Experienced school counsellors

10:40 - 11:40

How to help your students be best prepared for university and boost their prospects

UK universities

11:40 - 11:50

Visa policies and overview of resources available


Study UK, British Council

and College Board



Breakout rooms: Q&A with individual UK universities

UK universities


University admission officers are invited to apply to speak at the sessions below:






10:40 - 11:40

Help your students to be best prepared for university and boost their prospects

4 speakers from 4 UK higher education institutions



Breakout rooms: Q&A with individual UK universities

UK universities

  • Objective: Help counsellors’ understanding of key courses in the UK and how they can advise on the right course for students in China.  

Please note that participating UK universities’ representatives are encouraged to offer advice from a general admission perspective of UK higher education, with some highlights on your own institution.

Presentations can include the following content:

  • A short university introduction by each institution (use the admission officer’s standard intro for international audiences)
  • Decision making process and timeline of your institution
  • Any changes/updates post-COVID
  • Any special information to highlight from your institution: e.g. communication with tutors and foreign students, advice to students from China, and specific information on using AP and SAT.

Benefits to the speaker and institution:

  • an opportunity to meet and network with high school counsellors in China
  • an opportunity to raise your institution’s profile in schools offering the AP curriculum in China

Criteria for speaker selection

As the aim of this workshop is to build Chinese counsellors’ understanding and facilitate connections in Chinese, speakers from UK institutions who speak Chinese are preferred.

Speakers who are familiar with entry requirements and application details using AP and SAT results are preferred as we are partnering with College Board at this workshop.

The final speakers will be decided together by College Board and the British Council in China. There will be one candidate on a waiting list.

Action Required

If you are interested in this opportunity, please send the following information in both English and Chinese to Wu Xinping at wu.xinping@britishcouncil.org.cn and Amanda Zhou at amanda.zhou@britishcouncil.org.cn by Monday 5 July 2021. Any questions about the opportunity can be directed to the same address.

  • A brief biography of the speaker (in both English and Chinese)
  • A brief profile of your institution (in both English and Chinese)
  • An outline of key topics you would cover - a few sample presentation slides are welcome. (in both English and Chinese)