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Sino-UK - Higher Education Collaboration on Creative Media Industry

British Council China is calling for interest for a new Internationalising Higher Education (IHE) project "Sino-UK Higher Education Collaboration on Creative Media Industry".

In response to increasing development of the Creative Media Industry and the growing demands for higher education collaboration in this field in both China and UK, British Council are launching ‘Sino-UK Higher Education Collaboration on Creative Media Industry’. This initiative aims to help universities in the UK and China have a better understanding of each other in this area and explore further collaborative opportunities. We also hope that students who participate in this project will gain more practical experience in an intercultural environment.

Main activities include -

1. Cool Olympic - Sino-UK University Students' Competition on Micro Videos Production

Have your Micro Videos on London Olympics broadcast and promoted in the most popular China Portal Website sohu.com and win two free trips to China! (for students only)

2.Sino-UK Higher Education Symposium on Creative Media Industry in Guangzhou and Nanjing

Opportunities to meet specialists, professionals and teachers from top Chinese universities to have academic dialogue as well as to set up links for future university collaboration. All China costs will be covered.

Application Deadline: 8th June, 2012

For detailed information about this project and on How to apply, please visit our website at: http://www.britishcouncil.org/creativemediaindustry.doc

For any enquires, please email to: ihe@britishcouncil.org.cn