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SIEM Nepal Launches Schools Mission exclusively for UK Branch Campuses and TNE institutions

The British Council Nepal's Schools Mission is an annual event which sees UK higher education institutions tour international and local schools in Nepal. We have traditionally conducted only one Schools Mission per year and participation has been open only to UK institutions based in the UK. This year however, the SIEM Nepal team is opening up this opportunity to Branch Campuses and to institutions delivering a full UK degree in a foreign country (or through 2+1 etc.) by planning a second ‘Schools Mission’. Participation in this tour will be reserved exclusively for UK Branch Campuses and TNE institutions.

Nepalese students are showing an increasing affinity to travel to diverse destinations in pursuit of quality higher education. Malaysia, which hardly received a few dozen students up to a few years ago, received over 1000 students last year from Nepal making it the fourth most popular education destination for Nepalese students ahead of the UK. It is expected that many of these students studied in a Transnational Education (TNE) setup and will earn a UK degree. China, Nepal’s northern neighbour with it expanding economy and influence on trade is expected to continue to receive growing interest from prospective Nepalese students. Other popular destinations include Singapore and Thailand. Dubai, which has traditionally attracted migrant labour, is also attracting many Nepalese for jobs in retail and hospitality. This could contribute towards increasing the popularity of Dubai as an education destination in the future. 

(More information about the market and details of the programme are available in the attached proposal document)

Brief Overview:

19 September (Saturday) – Market briefing and networking dinner (Evening) – in Kathmandu

20 September (Sunday) to 22 September (Tuesday) – Visits to schools in Kathmandu (6 schools over 3 days)

Registration deadline: 17 August 2015




Action Required

1. Please download the attachment and review it
2. Please inform your branch campuses and TNE partners of this opportunity
3. For more information or to send expression of interest please contact Abhinav Shakya at abhinav.shakya@britishcouncil.org.np or Bickram Shrestha at bickram.shrestha@britishcouncil.org.np ( CC: siemsouthasia@britishcouncil.org ) by or before 17 August 2015