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Sichuan Vocational College of Cultural Industries is looking for UK partners to develop its international exchange programme

The Sichuan Vocational College of Cultural Industries (SVCCI) is looking for UK partners to support its international cooperation and exchange in 2017 through the following initiatives:

  • short-term teacher development (15-20 days) through international exchange and overseas training
  • student exchange and short summer courses (15-20 days)
  • joint student articulation programmes.

The above initiatives should focus on subject areas related to the cultural industries, such as Creative Design, Film & Television Programme Production, News Production and Editing, Advertisement Design, Cartoon Design, Cultural Heritage, etc.

UK partners are also welcome to send students who are interested in Chinese culture, Chinese language or Chinese arts to SVCCI to undertake short-term study, and SVCCI is happy to discuss tailor-made programmes with the partners.


The selected UK partner will:

  • have the opportunity to build their brand among Chinese institutions, which may support with their future business development in China
  • develop a long-standing partnership with a Chinese vocational college specialised in cultural industries, with the opportunity for partnership expansion in future
  • receive financial reimbursement for their support, to be further negotiated with SVCCI.

Areas of responsibilities for the two collaborating parties

UK partner

The selected UK partner will be expected to work with SVCCI to:

  • jointly develop tailor-made programmes for the short-term teacher development training and student summer courses
  • jointly develop the curriculum for the articulation programme
  • provide support in the quality assurance of all the programmes.

Sichuan Vocational College of Cultural Industries

SVCCI will be responsible for:

  • the marketing of the agreed short-term training programmes
  • recruitment of teachers and students for the programmes
  • providing qualified teaching staff as well as the required teaching premises and logistical support for the joint articulation programmes.

Brief introduction of SVCCI

The Sichuan Vocational College of Cultural Industries (SVCCI) was established in 2006 as the first state-run vocational college specialised in the training of skilled professionals for the cultural industries in China.

The College is located in the new economic development zone of Chengdu, the capital city of Sichuan province. The College covers 570 acres, and has 10,000 full-time students and 400 staff. The College also employs experts, artists, and professionals from related industries as part-time teachers. The College has the following departments: Culture and Commerce, Film and Television, Cultural Communication, Intangible Cultural Heritage, Digital, Culture Exposition, Animation, and Cultural Tourism. Other strong subjects include cultural relics appraisal and restoration, and jewellery craft and identification.

The College has established good partnerships with enterprises in the culture industries, and the employment rate of its graduates is over 90%. So far, the College has developed exchange programmes with colleges in Korea and Hong Kong for teacher and student exchange.


31 July 2016

Deadline for call-for-interests

30 August 2016

Feedbacks given to UK institutions

Action Required

UK institutions interested in this opportunity should contact siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn by 31 July 2016. Please provide a one-page introduction of your organisation alongside your expression of interest in supporting the internationalisation of the College.