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Sichuan Technology & Business College is looking for UK partners to develop its international exchange programs


Established in 2001 as the Chengdu College of Sichuan Normal University, Sichuan Technology & Business College (STBC) became an independent higher education institution approved by the Chinese Ministry of Education in 2015. Now STBC has 20,000 students on two campuses, and provides over 56 undergraduate applied technology degrees and diploma courses.

STBC focuses on student employability, and has established a Students’ Innovation & Start Up Centre and 171 professional experimental and practice training labs. STBC has also established 77 off-campus training bases in cooperation with various enterprises and organisations across China. The graduates of STBC are well received by local employers and small & medium enterprises.


SBTC is looking for a UK partner to develop student and faculty international exchange through the following initiatives:

1. 1 Year Diploma-to-Degree Top-Up:
After meeting the entry requirements of the UK institutions, students who successfully complete a 3 year Higher Diploma programme, with average results of at least 70%, at STBU will be considered for transfer to a final one year of study on a relevant degree programme at the UK institution. On successful completion of the study, students will be awarded a relevant Bachelor's degree for the 3+1 programme.

2. One-semester Study Abroad
STBU students who successfully complete their first 2 years of study, with an average result of at least 70%, will be considered for entry to an appropriate one-semester (16 weeks in total) Study Abroad programme. Credits obtained from the UK partner will be recognised by STBU.

3. Summer Study & Travel
STBU students can attend 4-6 weeks intensive English language summer camp at the UK partner institution. Credits earned for successful completion of the program will be recognised by STBU.

4. Staff exchange and academic research
This can take the forms of short, medium and long-term institutional visits, continuing professional development programmes, visiting scholars, joint academic research and knowledge transfer.

5. Joint programmes or institute
Building upon the collaboration models described above STBU is very interested in exploring the opportunities to establish a joint programme or institute with a UK University, the details of which would need to be discussed with prospective partner institutes in more details based upon shared vision and goals.

Action Required

If you are interested in this opportunity please provide an introduction to your organisation to siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn by 19 February 2016.