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Showcase your innovation: participate in the British Council’s 2018 Discover You: Discover Innovation digital campaign

The British Council’s 2018 Discover You: Discover Innovation digital campaign will showcase the strength and depth of innovation across UK education institutions. Ten UK institutions will be selected to feature in a short film and three in depth editorial pieces highlighting innovation in the UK. The aim of the campaign is to showcase the cutting edge technology, creativity and entrepreneurship available through a UK education. The film and editorial pieces will be shared across a number of digital and social media channels to a range of Chinese audiences with a total estimated reach of 700,000. The campaign will be fully funded by the British Council and is now open for bidding from all institutions.

Benefits to institutions

  • Showcase your institution as a leader in innovation
  • Broad exposure across a range of digital and social media channels
  • Raise brand awareness across a range of Chinese audiences

How it works

All education institutions are invited to bid to be featured in the 2018 Discover You: Discover Innovation digital campaign.

Three aspects of innovation have been selected to be showcased:

  1. Cutting-edge technology
  2. Creativity
  3. Entrepreneurship

The bids will be evaluated based on three criteria:

  1. Overall quality of innovation
  2. Relevance / links to China
  3. Proposed highlights for video content

Further details and a breakdown of the weighting of the criteria can be found on the application form.

Upon selection the British Council will visit each institution to collect film footage, photographs and content material, including interviews with relevant faculty and students, from which the video and editorial content will be developed.

Participation fee

The 2018 Discover You: Discover Innovation digital campaign will be fully funded by the British Council.




25 February

Application deadline

25 February to 25 March

Applications evaluation

31 March

Notification to successful applicants

1 April to 1 May

Site visits for filming and content collection

1 May to 1 July

Short film and editorials published

*subject to change

The British Council has developed an annual digital marketing package for UK institutions. The package will enable universities to have sustained, long-term engagement across China’s digital landscape through a range of platforms and channels as well as professionally developed tailored content. Further details on this package can be found here.

Action Required

Please complete the attached application form and send it to SIEM.China@britishcouncil.org.cn by Thursday 25 February 2018.

Please note: A maximum of ten institutions will be selected to participate in the 2018 Discover You: Discover Innovation campaign. Institutions will be selected based on the criteria and weighting that is detailed in the application form document.