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Shanxi University of Finance and Economics seeks UK partners for summer camp programmes


Shanxi University of Finance and Economics (SXUFE) is looking for UK partners to develop and deliver a three-week summer camp programme in the fields of business administration, finance and accounting for undergraduate students in either their second or third year. They aim to recruit 10-20 students and will run the programmes from July to August 2017.

SXUFE would like the content of the summer programmes to focus on business administration, finance and accounting. At the end of the programme, students will be required to pass a final exam, to be set by the selected UK university based on the teaching content. Upon successfully passing the exam, students will receive two academic credit points towards their degree from SXUFE.

Benefits for the UK partners

This is an opportunity for the selected UK partners to establish long-term partnerships with one of the top business and finance universities in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province with potential for expansion into other fields, such as student and faculty exchange programmes or joint research. It is also an opportunity for the UK partners to raise their institutions’ profiles and brand awareness in China, which may benefit student recruitment.

Areas of responsibility for the two collaborating parties

The selected UK partners will be expected to work with Shanxi University of Finance and Economics to:

  • develop the curricula for the summer camp programmes
  • provide local accommodation and catering arrangement for the students
  • where possible arrange for students to visit local companies
  • develop a final exam for students to sit at the end of the programme.

Shanxi University of Finance and Economics will be responsible for:

  • promoting and recruiting students for the programmes
  • providing pre departure instruction to the students
  • providing one member of staff to take care of the students and coordinate with the UK partner
  • covering all costs of the programme.

About Shanxi University of Finance and Economics

Shanxi University of Finance and Economics (SXUFE) was founded in 1951 as one of the premium institutions specialising in the fields of accounting, finance and economics in modern China. It has more than 20,000 students, among which over 16,000 are full-time undergraduates and over 3,000 are full-time graduate students.  SXUFE is a comprehensive teaching and research university. At present SXUFE has a centre for post-doctoral studies with 17 doctoral degree programs (three of which are classified by the Ministry of Education as First-Class), and 64 master degree programs (eight of which are classified by the Ministry of Education as First-Class). In addition, 47 academic staff have been awarded special grants by the provincial or central government for their research excellence.

Action Required

How to participate
UK universities interested in this opportunity should contact siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn by Tuesday 28 February and provide a one-page introduction to their institution, covering any strengths and experience in developing and delivering joint programmes in business administration, finance and accounting.

Shanxi University of Finance and Economics would like to select the partners in March 2017, and finalise the agreements in May 2017.