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Shanghai Minhang Vocational Education Group seeks UK partner for a short-term teacher training and student overseas study programme


Shanghai Minhang Vocational Education Group (referred to below as “SMVEG”) is looking for a UK partner to develop a three-week long training programme for:

  1. 5-10 vocational teachers in the field of Product Design  between the months of September and November 2017
  2. 20 students (aged between 15-18 years old) in the field of Product Design at a level equivalent to NVQ 2 between July and September 2017. 

It is expected that at the end of the programme each participating teacher and student will be provided with a transcript or academic record from the partner institution of their academic performance of each module of the training programme.

Benefits for the UK partner

The UK partner will have the opportunity to:

  • receive financial reimbursement for their support, to be further negotiated with the SMVEG
  • build a long-term partnership with a local vocational education alliance in East China, with scope for this partnership to expand in the future
  • raise their institution’s profile and brand awareness in China among Chinese teachers and students, which may support with student recruitment

Areas of responsibility for the two collaborating parties

The selected UK partner will be expected to work with the SMVEG to:

  • jointly develop the training programme for Minhang vocational teachers and students
  • provide detailed admissions information on available academic summer courses and corresponding entry requirements/restrictions ahead of time
  • provide each teacher and student with a transcript or academic record upon successful completion of the programme
  • provide a full range of support and contingency services for the teachers and students, including supervision of the programme, academic and social orientation, etc.

The SMVEG will be responsible for:

  • promoting and recruiting students and teachers for the programme
  • appointing a designated contact person from the international office to work with the UK partner institution
  • covering all the related costs for the teacher training and student exchange programmes in the UK

Brief introduction of SMVEG

Established in 2006, Shanghai Minhang Vocational Education Group (Alliance) was formed by the Minhang District Government of Shanghai to improve the level of regional vocational education.  Its main focus is to accumulate vocational education resources and promote the sharing of these resources in the region.

The group includes four vocational schools, ten training institutes and over 50 enterprises in the Minhang region. Currently, there are four affiliated vocational schools that provide courses including interior design, clothing design, multimedia design, auto repairs, intelligent building facilities installation engineering, mechanical and electrical engineering, etc. with an enrollment of around 20,000 full time students.

Action Required

How to participate

UK partners interested in this opportunity should contact siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn by 15 December 12 noon GMT.

Please provide a proposal specifying your offers, both academic and cultural, and how the exchange programme will benefit the participating teachers and students.


15 December 2016

Deadline for proposal from interested UK institutions

30 December 2016

Selected UK partner confirmed

30 January 2017

Completion of negotiations and signing of an agreement between the UK partner and SMVEG