Seeking Japanese participants for UK alumni focus group

The British Council in Japan is inviting UK alumni in Japan* to participate in a focus group designed to better understand their needs and aspirations.

The insight gained through these conversations will inform our planning for future activities.

We are asking UK higher education institutions to share this invitation with their UK alumni in Japan.

There will be two separate sessions:

  • an in-person event on Monday 25 September
  • an online on Tuesday 26 September.

How to apply

We are asking UK alumni who are interested in participating to register at by Tuesday 19 September.

Further information can be found on the following webpage:

Please note, as the focus group targets UK alumni in Japan, the event information page and registration form are in Japanese only.

*Alumni from any UK university, on any course, in any year, who have spent at least one term at a UK higher education institution, enrolled on a credit-bearing course. This includes transnational or online education.

Action Required

Please encourage your UK alumni in Japan to sign up via: