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Seeking collaborator for NAFSA conference session on study abroad as a pathway to PGT study

The British Council USA is seeking a UK higher education institution to collaborate on a conference session for the 2017 NAFSA Annual Conference in Los Angeles, 28 May- 2 June 2017.

The proposed session will build on research that the British Council will release on the decision-making process of US students who enrol in PGT programs in the UK, and how their study abroad experience impacts their decision. We are seeking an institution that currently has a study abroad partnership with a US university and has noticed that their study abroad students return for PGT or that utilises study abroad as part of their PGT enrolment pipeline . A representative from the UK university would be asked to present their partnership and recruitment strategy as a case study, including best practices and lessons learned.

If you are interested in collaborating, please contact Jenna Hartsell at jenna.hartsell@britishcouncil.org by COP Monday 1 August.

Action Required

If you are interested in collaborating, please contact Jenna Hartsell at jenna.hartsell@britishcouncil.org by COP Monday 1 August.