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School of Economics, Peking University seeks UK partners for post-EMBA overseas programme


School of Economics, Peking University (SEPKU) is looking for UK partners to develop and deliver a one week programme in the UK in the fields of business administration, international finance and economics for students of SEPKU’s post-EMBA programme. The one week overseas programme will be delivered twice per year, starting in August 2017, aiming to recruit up to 40 students on each occasion.

The proposed content for the programme is business administration, strategy and leadership, innovation and cross-cultural management practice. Besides the taught course, visits to local companies are suggested to be made available. A more detailed curriculum could be discussed with UK partner universities based on their teaching resources and academic strengths.  

Benefits for the UK partners

This is an opportunity for the selected UK partners to establish a long-term relationship with one of the top business and finance universities in China. This holds potential for further collaboration in areas such as student and faculty exchange, expanding academic research and cooperating with other Chinese institutions and local enterprises. It is also an opportunity for the UK partners to raise their institutions’ profiles and brand awareness in China, with benefits for future student recruitment.

Areas of responsibility for the two collaborating parties:

The selected UK partners will be expected to work with SEPKU to:

  • develop the curriculum for the post-EMBA overseas programme
  • provide support in the quality assurance of the programme
  • arrange local accommodation and catering services for the students.

SEPKU will be responsible for:

  • promoting and recruiting students for the programme
  • providing pre-departure instructions to the students
  • providing one staff to take care of the students and coordinate with the UK partner.

About School of Economics, Peking University

School of Economics, Peking University (SEPKU) is one of the oldest faculties in Peking University, and the first Economics faculty among China’s higher education institutions. The academic structure of SEPKU thoroughly integrates theoretical economics with applied economics, and economic history with modern economics. Besides undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, SEPKU also offers a post- EMBA programme (high-end training); one of the first professional training programmes for government officials and business elites in China, which has been running since the 1980’s. This programme is dedicated to the development of high-level and international education and providing new and practical training solutions for decision makers and administrative personnel of government departments, enterprises, and financial organisations.  

Action Required

How to participate

UK universities interested in this opportunity should contact siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn by 15 March, and provide a one-page introduction to their institution, covering any strengths and experience in developing and delivering joint programmes in business administration, finance and accounting.


SEPKU would like to select the partners in March 2017, and finalise the agreements in May 2017.