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  • Scholarship opportunity to promote to UK students - Study in Brunei with the Government of Brunei Darussalam Scholarship to foreign students for 2022/2023 academic year

Scholarship opportunity to promote to UK students - Study in Brunei with the Government of Brunei Darussalam Scholarship to foreign students for 2022/2023 academic year

The Government of Brunei Darussalam Scholarship is currently open for application. Tenable in Brunei Darussalam, the scholarship award provides applicants with the opportunity to undertake a diploma, undergraduate or postgraduate master's degree at any one of the following institutions of higher education:

  • Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD)
  • Kolej Universiti Perguruan Ugama Seri Begawan (KUPU SB)
  • Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA)
  • Universiti Teknologi Brunei (UTB)
  • Politeknik Brunei (PB)

This is an opportunity for British students to study and live overseas, increase their employability and broaden their perspectives. 

Action Required

UK institutions are asked to promote this opportunities to their student network. 
The deadline for applications is 15 February 2022. Further information on the scholarships and how to apply can be obtained from http://www.mfa.gov.bn/Pages/bdgs/bdgs2022.aspx