Santander Universities/British Council opportunity

Santander Universities is undergoing a programme of student mobility and language/cultural summer immersion in the UK. Students will have different nationalities, be in their final years of a degree or recently graduated and be grouped by level of English (B1-B2).Initially for a maximum of 100 students, a successful 3 week programme is expected to consolidate into an annually renewed scholarship. 

Santander Universities has partnerships with around 1,200 universities worldwide.  As well as the opportunity to receive students over the summer, this programme should be seeing as an excellent opportunity for international promotion, given the strenght of British Council and Santander together when the scholarships are promoted in each of the participating countries, including Germany, Poland, Portugal and Spain from EU as well as Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico,  Peru and Uruguay in LAC.  Students will be either at university or recently graduated. 

Section will be made according to the following criteria:

1. Quality of language/cultural programme

2. Level testing capacity

3. Quality of accommodation

4. Capacity to offer full-board/half-board/self-catering (all are accepted but, if self-catering, the university may need to offer students a daily stipend which will be then reimbursed through the invoice to British Council)

5. Quality of duty of care for students (welcome, arrival-departure support, counselling, other)Flexibility to offer all language levels

6. Location and access from an international airport (transfers to/from University)

7. Overall costs - please include a chart which outlines costs for each of the elements 1-6 above for 3 full weeks.  We understand programme is Monday week 1 to Friday week 3 and students arrive Sunday before course start and depart on Saturday.  If your offer is different, please specify.

Action Required

Send expressions of interest to no later than 30 august 2022

The proposal must include:

a) A general description of the "campus" and overall offer.  Please include a paragraph that outlines your services for each of the points 1-6 listed above.

b) An example of one week language and cultural programme

c) Price for a group of 30 students for a full 3 week course

d) A description of your competitive edge - what makes your offer unique and how would it specifically benefit the individual student in comparison to similar programmes?