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Research Visit Grant : UK – Indonesia Science & Technology Fund : Newton Researcher Links – SAME Travel Grant

The British Council is the programme delivery partner for the Newton Fund specifically for the people pillar.

The British Council in Indonesia is working in partnership with a number of relevant Indonesian government organisations and funding bodies to deliver programmes that benefit Indonesian researchers. At the moment, the Newton Fund Indonesia is the official partner for Indonesia Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (MRTHE) to deliver UK-Indonesia Science & Technology Fund. This partnership was launched on 23rd of March 2016.

About Newton Institutional Links -KLN/INSINAS
To support the capacity building in research and innovation in higher education, Directorate General of Resources for Science, Technology and Higher Education together with the Newton Fund is offering Newton Researcher Links – SAME Travel Grant Programme. This programme is a joint project between Scheme for Academic Mobility and Exchange (SAME) which managed by the MRTHE and the Newton Fund Researcher Links Travel Grant which managed by the British Council. The programme is expected to reflect direct impact towards the social welfare and economic development in Indonesia.


Successful applicants will be granted the travel grant to undertake research activities in Indonesia (for UK researchers) or in the UK (Indonesia researchers) for maximum 3 months (departure in 2017)

Theme : (1) Agriculture; (2) Climate and environment; (3) Sustainable energy for all; (4) Education research and innovation for development; (5) Economic growth; (6) Health; (7) Water and sanitation; (8) Food and nutrition; (9) Demographic change and migration; (10) Rural and urban development; (11) Infrastructure; (12) Humanitarian disasters and emergencies, disaster risk reduction; (13) Resilient and connected communities; (14) Governance, society and conflict; (15) Development-relevant data collection, quality and access

Proposal Submission period : 19 April 2016 – 27 June 2016