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Request for Proposal: Delivery of two training courses on academic writing in Indonesia

British Council Indonesia is recruiting two trainers to deliver Training on How to Write International – Quality Publications (WORQ).

Details can be found in this link https://www.britishcouncil.org/education/science/current-opportunities/academic-writing


Outcome of the project:


The proposed training aims to increase capacity of Indonesian researchers in international publication writing.


The suppliers will conduct a 2-day workshop in two cities in Indonesia. One to one programme in form of manuscript review of Indonesian researchers will be essential in this training. The format focus and thematic areas will be agreed with the successful bidders. The aim of the workshops is to strengthen the quality of manuscript up to international journal standards.

The workshop should be delivered by 2 suppliers, one with a strong specialist training expertise on Academic Writing for social sciences and the other one for STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). The workshops will be conducted in half day plenary and 1.5 day of parallel session of one to one manuscript review (format of this to be agreed).

Suppliers will develop training materials tailored to participants’ needs and these will be then made available online on the British Council website in Indonesia.

Suppliers will also provide post-workshop support in the 10 days following the delivery of the workshop.

The training will be addressed to 30 researchers for each workshop (15 from social sciences and 15 from STEM)

The workshops will take place on the first week of March 2019. Final dates will be agreed with the successful bidders.

UK suppliers

Suppliers from UK/international Q1 or Q2 journals and/or academics that have successfully published articles on Q1 and Q2 journals and have strong relevant training experience are invited to apply.

Overview of deliverables

  1. Planning meetings with the British Council and Ristekdikti via Skype and/or email for content development
  2. Designing workshop content and modes of workshop assessment
  3. Participant selection
  4. 2-day workshop delivery in two cities in Indonesia.
  5. One to one follow up support for workshop participants in the 10 days following the end of the workshop
  6. Draft a project final report, to be submitted at a date and in a format to be confirmed in writing by the British Council

Monitoring and Evaluation

The successful suppliers will be encouraged to create an online survey prior to the workshop to assist with the workshop preparation and to act as baseline. A post-workshop survey will also be required. The results of these will be included in the final report. This report will also include a narrative summary of the workshop and recommendations for any future professional development training. 

Who is involved in the project:

  • Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education in Indonesia is the co-funder of workshop
  • Target audience include Indonesian Researchers, including principal investigators of Indonesia Institutional Links Projects

Benefits for UK partner:

  • Suppliers are invited to formulate a detailed proposal for the initial activity that represents value for money against a maximum budget of GBP 12,800 exclusive of VAT. Please see this links for details https://www.britishcouncil.org/education/science/current-opportunities/academic-writing 
  • Opportunity to enable much stronger links between the UK and Indonesia
  • Opportunity to create greater opportunities and assist in building capacity in the research and innovation sector

How to participate:

This Call for proposals is open only to UK organisations and institutions.

Suppliers from the UK/international Q1 or Q2 journals and/or academics that have successfully published articles on Q1 and Q2 journals and have strong relevant training experience are invited to apply.

Please follow instructions through this link


All documents required as part of your tender response should be submitted to UK-PDE@britishcouncil.org by the Response Deadline, as set out in the Timescales section of this RFP.


Clarification deadline: 24 January

British Council to respond to clarification questions: 25 January 2019

Deadline for submission of RFP responses by potential suppliers: 27 January 2019

Final Decision: 30 January 2019

Contract start date: 4 February 2019

Project start: first week of March 2019



Action Required

Please follow instructions through this link https://www.britishcouncil.org/education/science/current-opportunities/a...

All documents required as part of your tender response should be submitted to UK-PDE@britishcouncil.org by the Response Deadline, as set out in the Timescales section of this RFP.