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Reminder: University Short-term Study Marketing Campaign Japan 2020

UK universities interested in recruiting students for short-term programmes (summer/spring programmes, study abroad programmes, language programmes) are invited to join the British Council’s University Short-term Study Marketing Campaign Japan 2020. This campaign represents an excellent opportunity for institutions to showcase your courses at a time of continued growth in the short-term market.


Benefits of participating

  • Capitalise on the continued strong demand for short-term study opportunities - the university short-term study market has grown exponentially in recent years with total numbers increasing from 42,000 in 2010 to 105,000 in 2017 (JASSO).
  • Raise the profile of your short-term programmes through online and offline channels and reach over 10k prospective students.
  • Association with the British Council: the British Council has a long-established reputation among university staff and prospective students in Japan for the provision of trustworthy and reliable information on study opportunities in the UK.


Market Context

  • The university short-term course market (summer/spring programmes, language programmes, semester abroad, JYA) has grown exponentially in recent years with total numbers increasing from 42,000 in 2010 to 105,000 in 2017 (JASSO). The UK is a popular study destination for short-term students with numbers rising from 4,084 in 2010 to 5,865 in 2017.
  • Expansion in the short-term market has been driven by a host of factors including, government scholarships for short-term study, continuing strong demand from industry for graduates with overseas study experience, improved counselling and support offered by home institutions, the growing trend for universities to include study abroad as part of the curriculum, academic calendar revisions allowing easier access to overseas courses, and a growing general awareness among students/influencers of the importance of gaining study abroad experience.


Campaign Format

This is an integrated marketing campaign that will run through the below online and offline channels:




What’s included

University Short-term Study Guidebook


Feb 2020

  • Profile page in University Short-term Study Guidebook 2020/21*
  • 3,000 hard copies to be distributed at British Council student-facing events and at external study abroad events held throughout Japan in 2020.
  • Digital version of guide to be promoted widely via British Council online channels throughout 2020.


Digital marketing

Jan-Feb 2020

  • Targeted Mailshot (up to 5 institutions introduced per mailshot). Reach: 3k+
  • Facebook Boosted Post (1 post per institution) Reach: 5-15k



Target audience

University students and their parents, university counsellors, agents


*About the Guidebook


• Introduction to short-term study options in the UK (prepared by the British Council)

• A map of the UK showing the location of participating institutions (prepared by the British Council)

• Institution profiles and course information (up to 20 institutions listed in alphabetical order).


Each profile page will consist of:

• Institution name, logo, and contact details

• Brief information on the institution (up to 100 words)

• Course information including dates, tuition fees (up to 150 words)

• Up to three images per profile (the British Council will select 1-3 images that best fit the space)


**Profile text will be translated into Japanese by the British Council.  Profile pages will be designed by the British Council and will incorporate images and logo provided by the institution**


Guidebook specifications:

• Dimensions: W169mm × H229mm

• Print run: 3,000 copies

• Shelf life: 12 months (Feb 2020 to Feb 2021)


Reference Material

• University Short-term Study Guidebook 2019 edition:



Campaign Delivery Schedule

Guidebook: to be published in late February 2020

Digital promotion: to run January-February 2020


Participation fee: £900


Action Required

Applications will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis.  To reserve a slot, please complete the booking form attached and return to hal.parker@britishcouncil.or.jp by 15th November 2019.