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REMINDER: UK University Tour for US High School Counsellors March 2017

As part of the GREAT campaign, the British Council is pleased to launch a counsellor tour of the South West region’s cultural and educational institutions for 20-25 US and Canada-based high school counsellors during the week of March 13-17, 2017.

We encourage you to participate. We have a showcase of 9 institutions plus a networking fair. The networking fair is open to all universities. The showcase is for the institutions in the South West.

Our objective is to highlight university study opportunities and short-term study options for American high school students and visiting school groups. Counsellors will be selected in-country following a marketing campaign managed and coordinated by the British Council. Selection criteria will prioritise those with a track record in promoting overseas study for short and long courses, are well networked with their peers and prepared to act as advocates beyond their own schools. Counsellors will be prioritised for attendance on the tour according to the level of interest from their students for UK education.

This programme will be anchored by activity in the South West with opportunities for non-host institutions to meet and engage our attendees at a networking fair.

The British Council is seeking 9 universities to host the 20-25 US and Canadian college counsellors through engaging visits that showcase UK best practices in teaching and learning at the undergraduate level with an emphasis on:

• ‘World Class’ teaching, facilities and academics
• Student support, development, experience and employability
• Linking institutional practice to national practice, i.e. showcasing British education

Showcasing best practices in one or more of these disciplines:
• Humanities
• Social Sciences
• Technology
• Mathematical, Physical & Life Sciences
• Business
• Engineering
• Creative Industries
• Other (make sure to specify if you choose this option)

A strong bid will:
• Showcase the strength of your institution’s facilities, including campus tours with current students, if possible
• Cite specific practices and innovations that will be showcased
• Present views from multiple colleagues involving a range of presentation and engagement methods (i.e. not exclusively PowerPoint)
• Be within reasonable travel distance to accommodate a two hour programme either in the morning or the afternoon
• Provide catering (breakfast or lunch) and other in-kind assistance

Other considerations:
• Joint bids will be considered.
• Institutions will be selected to ensure a diverse range of institutions.

Note to Higher Education Participants

Showcase Universities
HE participants within a reasonable travel distance in the South West region will have the opportunity to host a campus visit (2 hours to 2.5 hours) and promote their institutions to counsellors in a more relaxed and informative setting. Campus tours, student panels, lectures given by professors, information about particular courses, new programs of study, the US student body, scholarship and financial aid and admissions information are all welcome.

Counsellor contacts, information on their students’ subject interests and application/conversion rates at UK universities will be shared in advance with showcase institutions in order to help facilitate discussion and build stronger relationships with an already engaged audience. Showcase institutions are also invited to attend our UK university fair held at the beginning of the tour free of charge, and the subsequent networking event.

Spaces are strictly limited to 9 places.
Fee: 1,550 GBP + VAT (includes registration for the Higher Education fair & panel/networking session)

UK Higher Education Panel Discussion & Networking Fair (open to all UK HE institutions)
On Monday, 13 March 2017 an afternoon panel discussion and networking event is also offered to all UK Higher Education Institutions. Our Counsellor Ambassadors will offer a panel on how to engage more effectively with US high schools and with counsellor networks in North America. They will share expert guidance and examples of best practices in terms of engaging with counsellors to increase reach and impact with US high school students. A table fair will follow for counsellors to be able to glean more information on institutions in all regions of the UK and exchange contact details. A drinks reception will close the event.

Spaces are limited to 30 places.
Fee: 450 GBP + VAT

Action Required

Please complete this form (https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SWEnglandMarch2017) to apply to be a Showcase Institution.
Deadline to apply to be a showcase institution: 19 December 2016

Please complete this form (https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SWEnglandHEFair) to participate in the UK HE Panel Discussion & Networking Fair on Monday, 13 March 2017.
Deadline to apply for the UK HE Panel Discussion & Networking Fair: 23 January 2017