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REMINDER, CLOSING SOON - IAESTE 2017: Paid industry traineeships abroad for UK students

We would be very grateful if you could share information about the programme with your students.
Through IAESTE, UK students can do a paid industry traineeship abroad for 6 – 52 weeks, working with a top employer in one of 80 countries. Taking part is a fantastic way for your students to:
• Earn money and enhance their CV
• Gain paid industry experience with top international employers
• Develop their professional knowledge and contacts
• Boost their confidence and communication skills
• Explore a new country and culture

Traineeships are open to students in their second year or above of a science, engineering, technology or applied-arts Bachelor degree and/or integrated Masters (plus Bachelors). Please see full eligibility criteria online.
Students can find out more and apply here: https://www.britishcouncil.org/iaeste/uni-students/outgoing-uk-trainees. The deadline for applications from students is 24 November 2016.
Host an international trainee on your campus

You may also be interested to know that you can host international IAESTE trainees on your campus too, to work on 6 – 52 week projects.

With a pool of 10,000 high-calibre trainees from 80 countries, hosting a trainee is a great way to bring fresh skills and perspectives to your science, engineering, technology and applied-arts faculties. It is also a chance to build relationships with international students and universities.
The programme is reciprocal - for every placement offered at your campus, one of your own students will be offered a placement overseas. (However your students can still apply for IAESTE whether you host a trainee or not).

Action Required

We would be very grateful if you could share information about the programme with your students.
To find out more about hosting a trainee, please visit https://www.britishcouncil.org/iaeste and apply by 9 December 2016.