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  • REMINDER: Chinese University seeks UK partner for setting up of joint college, in Yangtze River Delta region

REMINDER: Chinese University seeks UK partner for setting up of joint college, in Yangtze River Delta region

Introduction of Chinese partner

The University, has a 60 year history, a large student population of more than 20,000, more than 40 undergraduate programmes, and has successfully established and operated a Sino-foreign joint university campus in East China for many years.


The University now hopes to further enhance its international cooperation through establishing a joint dependent college, i.e. one without independent legal status or campus. The new joint college will be an international faculty of the University.

As a dependent college, it will have autonomy in both management and operation. The University will fully authorize the Dean of the college who will be nominated by the UK partner university, to be responsible for the operation of the college. The Dean will have the authorisation to use the resources, including HR, finance and property, for the operation of the college. The land for the college has already been reserved inside of the University with a capacity for 3,000 students. The Chinese university partner will make sure the infrastructure meet the criteria and academic demands of the UK partner.

The student recruitment will be from the top level of Chinese university examination (Gaokao) students. Suggested programmes for the joint college would include Education, Business, Information Technology and International Communication.

The curriculum model is open for discussion. The UK partner will be responsible for all courses except those compulsory courses as defined by the Ministry of Education such as Chinese Culture. There is capacity to recruit 3000 students. Tuition fees will be discussed and agreed by both parties. Further details will be subject to negotiation.
In addition to the cooperation at undergraduate level, opportunities to deliver postgraduate degree course can be explored in the future.

Responsibility of UK Partner:
The UK partner university will be responsible for organizing and implementing the British style education and should ensure the academic quality of the joint college programmes are of the same standard as those it delivers in the UK

Responsibility of Chinese Parter:
The Chinese party is responsible for obtaining project approval from the Chinese government, public relations and government liaison, infrastructure and construction, logistics, student services and management.

Action Required

UK providers interested in this opportunity should write to this email address to express your interest: siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn