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REMINDER: Chinese school seeks UK provider of PE teacher training programme

The School of International Education at Beijing Foreign Studies University is looking for a UK partner to deliver an interactive 5-day professional training course for local physical education (PE) teachers in Beijing in early July 2016.


Participants should gain insights into the design and delivery of PE lessons in UK schools, and improve their understanding of course structures in these subject areas. They should learn how to adapt the UK’s teaching philosophy and pedagogy to their own class needs, with the aim of maximising student engagement, raising student attainment, and helping students to discover the joy of sports and exercise so as to encourage further study.

Training Requirements

Length:                        five days (early July 2016)

Number of trainers:     one trainer from the UK

Please note: The UK provider must be a qualified PE teacher with at least five years of relevant professional experience. Prior experience of delivering training in an international context would be desirable.

Number of trainees:   20-25 primary and secondary school teachers (teaching students aged 10-14)    

Format:                       face-to-face lecture-based training with practice sessions

Language:                   Training is to be delivered in English. The Chinese partner will arrange and pay for an interpreter to assist during the training.

Special Requests from the Chinese partner

  • introduction of the UK’s PE teaching pedagogy
  • sharing of teaching programmes for different age groups (students aged 10-12 and 12-15)
  • sharing of PE course structures in UK schools
  • suggestions for facilities and resources for PE lessons on and off campus
  • advice on creating an inspiring environment for pupils to enjoy and develop an interest in PE
  • videos of PE lessons in UK schools (optional)

Brief Introduction of the Chinese Partner

The School of International Education is part of Beijing Foreign Studies University. It provides comprehensive services to K-12 students, including foreign language learning, study abroad programmes, exams and assessments, and primary and secondary school education. Currently, there are more than 3,000 students studying on its four campuses.


10 June

Deadline for submission of proposals

15  June

Selected UK partner to be confirmed

20 June

Negotiations to be completed and agreements to be signed between the UK provider and the British Council

Early July

Training programme to start

Action Required

UK institutions interested in this opportunity should send the following information to siem.china@britishcouncil.org.cn by 10 June 2016, 12 noon GMT.
• a training proposal with a brief introduction of your organisation and the trainer’s CV
• a quotation outlining all the costs for delivering the proposal, including any expected expenses for the trainer, such as training materials, accommodation, meals, local and international transport.

Please note, the British Council will charge a management fee equivalent to 20 per cent of the final programme fee. This management fee will cover liaison between the UK provider and Chinese partner, pre-training set-up, post-training follow-up, and on-site visits.