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Reminder: Advertising opportunities in the Study UK Guide 2017 - Vietnam

The British Council Vietnam is going to print The Study UK Guide 2017 which will be the essential guide to Studying in the UK for the Vietnam market.

About the guidebook:

The Study UK Guide 2017 provides comprehensive information on UK Education including reasons to choose the UK education, guidance on each level of study: from pre-university to postgraduate, choosing a course and specific subjects, learning English in the UK, application process, adapting to the life in the UK and visa application.

From English summer course to full time degrees, interest in study abroad continues to grow in Vietnam and this guidebook represents a good opportunity to directly reach a broad range of prospective students, including high school students, university students, working professionals and parents.

Print run for the first edition of the Study UK Guidebook in 2017 will be 4,000 copies which will be distributed at all Study UK events. This is a very good opportunity for UK universities, colleges and schools to showcase their profiles and courses on offer to prospective students who plan to study in the UK. The deadline for submitting applications has been extended to Monday 10 July 2017.

Benefits to UK institutions:

Advertising in the Study UK Guide 2017 offers UK institutions a cost-effective approach to a wider range of target audience through multiple distribution channels:

  1. The publication will be distributed free of charge to 4,000 Vietnamese students and parents at British Council face-to-face education events such as Study UK exhibitions, seminars, roadshow events, alumni talks, etc.
  1. The online version of the publication will be promoted on British Council Vietnam website (120,000 unique visits/month), Study UK E-newsletter (>10,000 student emails) and facebook (>85,000 members). For reference, the online version of the 2016-17 guidebook can be accessed via this link
  2. Student/alumni/staff profile of participating institutions will be promoted on Facebook (>85,000 followers).

*Especially, a discount of 5% will be offered to institutions that advertised in the previous 2016-2017 edition of the guidebook.     

For more details, please find the attached the Proposal


Action Required

If you are interested in participating in the Study UK Guide 2017, please complete the application form and return it to Binh Do - Education Marketing Officer at binh.do@britishcouncil.org.vn by 10 July 2017.