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Reminder: Advertise in British Council Indonesia UK Study Guide 2017-18

Every year British Council Indonesia publishes a UK Study Guide Book to provide introduction for prospective students and parents about the UK education system, including useful tips for students to choose the most suitable study options in the UK.

This year we will be distributing 8,000 copies of the Study Guide to educational institutions in Indonesia—schools, universities, polytechnics, and education agents. Further copies of the study guide will also distributed at the British Council’s education exhibitions (e.g. Study UK, Business Banking and Finance Exhibition and Creative Arts Exhibition) and other relevant activities (e.g. schools tours, school visits and university fair) and major education events in which the British Council actively participates (e.g. LPDP fair and partners education fair).

Currently there are still 2 slots available in the spread page and 1 slot for back cover. Therefore, we are extending the booking form deadline.
To book an advertising space, please complete the booking form and submit your application no longer than 31 July 2017.


Production : July – Mid August

Distribution : Starting September 2017

Action Required

To book advertising space, please complete the booking form and submit your application to Audrie Sanova: Audrie.Sanova@britishcouncil.or.id at the latest on 31 July 2017