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  • Reminder – Promote your scholarships in the “Education UK Scholarship Promotion Package 2016” to Vietnamese students

Reminder – Promote your scholarships in the “Education UK Scholarship Promotion Package 2016” to Vietnamese students

The British Council Vietnam is delighted to invite UK institutions to promote your scholarships for Vietnamese students in the “Education UK Scholarship Promotion Package 2016”. Participating in the package, UK institutions have great opportunities to reach to a wider target audience through multiple promotional channels offered - both in publication and online marketing.

In Vietnam, scholarship is a key deciding factor in students’ decision making process when choosing to study in the UK. To support UK institutions with profile raising and recruitment purposes, the British Council Vietnam offers the “Education UK scholarship promotion package” as an important marketing method to attract attention from Vietnamese students for the intake Jan and Sep 2017.

The package was first launched in 2015 and received very positive responses from students in the country. It has been featured via 8,000 booklets of ‘Financial plan for study in the UK’ printed in 2 editions, and distributed at all Education UK events including annual Education UK Exhibitions. The information has reached to thousands of prospective students through our digital and social media channels, contributing greater and wider impact to the success of the package.

Continuing its success in 2015, the British Council Vietnam will continue providing this promotion package for period from September 2016 to March 2017 and would like to call for participation from interested UK institutions.

Benefit to UK institutions:

The “Education UK scholarship promotion package 2016” is a cost-effective approach offering UK institutions a great opportunity to have direct engagement with target audience through multiple distribution channels:

  1. 5,000 booklets “Financial plan for study in the UK”:

The booklet focuses on essential financial issues relating to living and studying in the UK. In the booklet, UK institutions’ scholarship offers will be featured in the scholarship section.

  1. Online marketing channels:

Scholarships of participating UK institutions will be promoted on British Council communication channels such as Education UK website; Education UK E-newsletter; Facebook page.

An initiative of the promotion package this year is the promotion on two external websites Ybox and Scholarship Planet.

  • Ybox and Scholarship planet are the two among most popular websites with Vietnamese students who are looking for scholarship opportunities offered by overseas institutions.

Advertising opportunities will be given to 15 UK institutions having a specific scholarship programme for Vietnamese students in January and September 2017 intake, with total scholarship value of no less than GBP2,000.

Please find attached the Proposal and Application Form

Application deadline: 30 July 2016


Cancellation fees will be charged for withdrawal from the promotion package, as of the date of receiving Notice of Withdrawal via email:

  • At 50 per cent of the full fee for withdrawals received between 15 and 31 August 2016
  • At 100 per cent of the full fee for withdrawals received on or after 1 September 2016

Action Required

If you would like to participate in “Education UK scholarship promotion package”, please complete the application form and return it to us by 30 July 2016.