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Registration open: Symposium on UK-China Transnational Education

Jointly organised by China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE), Universities UK International (UUKi) and the British Council, the Symposium on UK-China Transnational Education will provide UK institutions with planned or current transnational educational partnerships in China the opportunity to gain up to date information on the current TNE landscape and future trends.

Representatives from the Chinese Ministry of Education, provincial and municipal education departments, and universities and institutions from both countries will be invited to share best practice and discuss common issues and challenges. It will focus on the latest TNE policy in both countries, explore innovative practices in the reform and opening-up of pilot zones in China, and identify opportunities and challenges for TNE in a post-pandemic era.

The symposium is also part of China Annual Conference for International Education (CACIE).


Date:  Friday 22 October 2021
Time: 8:30-10:40am (UK time) / 3:30-5:40pm (China time)

Format: blended (online for UK participants and offline if you attend CACIE in person)
Cost: Free


3:30-4:00pm (GMT+8)

8:30-9:00am (GMT+1)

Opening Remarks

  • Chinese Ministry of Education
  • UK Department for Education
  • British Council China
  • Chinese Embassy in UK
  • UUKi

4:00-4:45pm (GMT+8)

9:00-9:45am (GMT+1)

Keynote Speeches

  • Latest TNE policy in China by Chinese Ministry of Education
  • UK’s global development in TNE by UUKi & British Council
  • Reform and Opening-up Policies and Initiatives of Education Pilot Zone by Representative from provincial and municipal education departments

4:45-5:25pm (GMT+8)

9:45-10:25am (GMT+1)

Case Studies

Topic 1: Challenges and opportunities for China-UK TNE under the post-pandemic era

Topic 2: Experience and exploration on Academic exchange and research collaboration for China-UK TNE

5:25-5:40pm (GMT+8)

10:25-10:40am (GMT+1)

Q&A Session & Wrap-up


Registration is open for UK institutions now. 

The web link to the symposium will be provided closer to the event by email. Please contact ies.china@britishcouncil.org.cn for any enquiries.  


Action Required

Please register your interest for attending the event Here by Friday 8 October 2021.