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Reach out to the right target audience in Thailand through the new publication, “An Easy Step Guide for Studying in the UK’’

British Council Thailand is pleased to introduce promotional opportunities for UK institutions through the new publication, “An Easy Step Guide for Studying in the UK”

The following is information on the guidebook:
- The guide gives necessary information on studying in the UK. It includes all the information Thai students frequently ask for such as, student visa information, how to choose and search for information on courses and information on the UK, and interviews of Thai alumni of UK universities.
- In order to reach a wider group of students and parents, the guide will be in Thai language.
- The contents will be presented in an easy to understand way and will cover all levels of study including school education, pathways, English language courses, undergraduate and postgraduate study.
- 12,000 guides will be produced and distributed at any outreach and promotional activities from November 2016.
- The guide will be pocket book size and in colour.
- The guide will be ready in November 2016 with a shelf life of 1 year.
- The guide will be also available on the Education UK mobile application

As part of the Easy Step Guide for Studying in the UK, there will be sections dedicated to information on individual institutions. Details of how UK institutions may promote their institutions through this guide are given below:

Advertisement rate:
Position / Price* / Complimentary offer
Advertisement (Back cover) £3,000 Receive two complimentary profile pages inside the publication
Advertisement (Inside front cover) £2,000 Receive two complimentary profile pages inside the publication
Advertisement (Inside back cover) £1,500 Receive two complimentary profile pages inside the publication
2 Profile pages inside the publication £800 Translation fee and artwork included
• Institution information and courses offered
• Highlights of the institution
• Address of the institution
• Two institution pictures and a logo
• Contact details
• Student/alumni interview (British Council can help conduct the interview)
• Institutions to complete a template. Contents will be translated and the artwork prepared by British Council.
*Excluding 20% VAT.

For UK institutions interested in this new promotional opportunity, please fill in the form attached and send it back to uraiwan.samolee@britishcouncil.or.th by 20th July 2016.

Action Required

For UK institutions interested in this new promotional opportunity, please fill in the form attached and send it back to uraiwan.samolee@britishcouncil.or.th by 20th July 2016.

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