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  • Promotional Opportunity for Accreditation UK Schools - 'Summer Study in the UK Campaign'

Promotional Opportunity for Accreditation UK Schools - 'Summer Study in the UK Campaign'

The campaign will seek to sell the UK as the ideal summer study destination to our target audience of high schools students, university students and young professionals by emphasizing the UK’s unique cultural offer during the summer months and the high quality of the ELT sector in the UK. It is expected that 19,000 prospective students will engage with the campaign and that it will contribute significantly to raising the profile of the UK ELT sector in Japan.

The central feature of the campaign will be a microsite that will include the following exciting features:

• Content introducing prospective students to the exciting cultural offer of the UK during the summer months.
• Easy to search information on courses taking place through the summer months.
• Chance to win return air tickets from Japan to the UK, travel guides and other prizes.
• A special app that will suggest a programme of activity for a week in the UK based on the user’s Facebook profile.
• Articles from Japanese students currently studying on programmes in the UK.

We would like to ask for the support of UK institutions that are part of the Accreditation UK scheme with the last of these features. We are looking for Japanese students that are currently based at schools in the UK to provide us with a small article on one of the following nine features that we think makes the UK such a great place to study:

• Creativity
• Heritage
• English
• Fashion
• Food
• Literature
• Music
• Shopping
• Sports

The nine best articles received for each area will be displayed on the campaign microsite together with a photo of the student that reflects their chosen theme (e.g. the student that has chosen sports might chose to show a photo of themselves in the shirt of their favourite football team). They will then become ‘Summer Study UK Ambassadors’ for their particular area. The name of the student’s school and course of study will be displayed together with the article and we believe it will act as good promotion for the school at which the student is studying.

Students that are interested in taking part are asked to read through the attached instructions and then enter their personal details and article (roughly two paragraphs) in the online registration form.
The nine students selected to have their articles displayed on the microsite will each receive a 3,000 yen Amazon gift voucher. The next best 20 submissions will be displayed on the Summer Study UK Facebook campaign page (separate to the main microsite) and the students selected for this will each receive a 1,000 yen Amazon gift voucher.

The criteria for applying are as follows:

• Student must be Japanese and currently studying on a programme at a British Council accredited school.
• Only one application is allowed per student.

The deadline for applications is Thursday 10 April.

We would like to ask for your support in forwarding the attached details of this opportunity to your Japanese students. Thank you in advance for your support for this campaign which we are confident will bring significant benefit to the ELT sector in the UK.

With best wishes,

Tom Mayes
Projects Manager (Education)
British Council

E-mail: educationuk@britishcouncil.or.jp


Action Required

Forward on the attached instructions to Japanese students currently styudying at your institution.