Promotion package: Agents in China

Agents play an important role in guiding students through their decision making process. In China, around 60% of students use education agents for their overseas studies applications. These are the front line ‘sales’ representatives for UK education.

If you’re seeking for promotion opportunities among agents, we provide following offering you might be interested:
oTwo-page well-written advertorial/essay on agent newsletter (Issue 18, 2004), distributed to 500 licensed agents (£ 2,000)
oOne onsite booth at one of the agent workshops (Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu/Chongqing Guangzhou, Oct-Nov, £ 500 each session)
oBritish Council China’s agent WeChat account: one promotion article (£ 400)

Or you can choose the Value Package:
oAgent newsletter advertorial + Agent workshop onsite booth (£ 2,200 )

More event details:
1. Agent Newsletter is the most popular paper-based publication for Chinese licensed agents.
o A total of 4,000 copies of the newsletter will be distributed to over 500 licensed education agencies across the country.
o Issue: July

2. Agent workshops
o British Council China organises agent workshops twice a year in four 1st Tier cities in China.
o The workshops bring agents first-hand information on UK education, latest visa policies, English language tests.
o In Beijing and Shanghai, the audience number usually around 100; In Guangzhou and Chengdu, attendance is usually from 25 to 50
o The date of agent workshops for this year is to be confirmed, yet it will be hosted during Oct and Nov

3. British Council China’s WeChat agent account:
o It is a newly developed B2B agent communication channel based on the current most popular social digital platform WeChat (subscription account). It is designed to be more precisely to reach the target audience and ensure the effectiveness of the promotion.

Action Required

If you're interested, please contact Fengying for more details.